Season 3 Episode 6: The Uncertainty Principle

This is Wit Story Line Review

Season 3 Episode 6: The Uncertainty Principle

Spoiler Warning:

Nick’s downward spiral continues as he becomes more and more unhinged and erratic. He starts hallucinating Adam is talking to him and blaming him for his death. After an incident involving a pregnant woman, Mike is tasked by their lawyer with getting Nick to rehab to straighten him out.

This episode is easily in my top 3 for the final season. Hell, it’s one of my favorite episodes of the series in general. Nick takes his performance to the next level with him rambunctiously and gleefully jumping around and acting like a total spazz, or well, more of a spazz than usual. The best scene though, is when they go to someone’s house to steal some pseudoephedrine and ends up punching a pregnant woman before then running through her house in a meth addled haze stealing random shit while Mike helps her deliver the baby. Like Goddamn, that scene kills me every time. Then of course the end where Mike just straight up sucker punches Nick and drags him off to rehab has me howling all the time, too.

Storyline Update:

As he falls further and further into addiction, Nick begins to hallucinate that Adam is talking to him and blaming him for his death. Mike eventually realizes he can’t keep letting Nick continue the way he has been after Nick punches a pregnant woman and under advice from Val, their lawyer, he knocks out Nick and drags him off to rehab.

Final Thoughts:

Easily one of the funniest episodes of the series, hands down, this one will have you howling with laughter, easily.


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